Devlog 6: Wrapping up the first sprint!

Devlog : Sprint 1 completed!

Models & Animations

This week we again finished some more models and animated them accordingly. This time it is the player character that got an overhaul. The witch model is now fully completed with textures animations and a brand new model!

The witch has several different animations for standing still, running around, falling down, holding items and throwing items.


The witch isn't the only one to have gotten some new textures and shaders. The snail and the river have also gotten some well deserved attention.


We have also been tinkering away at some environmental models. We have started work on trees, fences and rocks. Some of which are already visible within the current demo!

Programming Stuff

Lets start of with some new potion effects.

Presenting first the protection potion. It will ignore the first incoming potion added to it.

Another potion now implemented is the spawn rock potion, and you guessed it it spawns a rock in front of the snail making it impossible to continue unless...

Unless you give it the destroy rock potion counter part which makes the snail temporarily overpowered

We also still had to improve the algorithm for detecting possible recipe potions and elaborating on the system to spawn the items

A lot of animations are tightly coupled to the behaviour of our objects in code so we had to spent some time linking up all of those thing to the correct animations. Here are some examples

Everything is a lot cooler when you get good gameplay feedback. So we added events which will trigger animations and particle effects during actions in game.

We also added a more clear distinction between the 2 players and each there own cauldron and snail.

Gameplaywise we tweeked a lot on the forces applied to the items by our playing character and enlarged all the collisionboxes for more fluent intteractions.

We greatly decreased the time interval for spawing new ingredients, this is to force more interactions between the playing characters. Also gave it a random new time before a new one spawns.

When the player dies and he is holding an item it will have the same effect as 2 players colliding, since it didn't make sense to keep the item after respawning

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62 days ago

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